报告题目:Sustainable Supply Chain and Global Cooperation
报 告 人:Andrea Appolloni
Andrea Appolloni是意大利罗马Tor Vergata大学副教授,英国克兰菲尔德大学(Cranfield University)的常驻访问学者和意大利研究委员会(the Italian Research Council)的研究员,曾在天津大学、田纳西大学诺克斯维尔分校(美国)和苏黎世联邦理工学院做访问学者。他的教学领域集中在本科生和高管级别的运营、供应链以及可持续发展课程,也在多个国际期刊和会议上发表100余篇文章。他是Marie Curie Horizon 2020可持续公共采购欧洲项目的协调员。同时是全球可持续消费和生产信息交换所(Global SCP Clearinghouse)的可持续领域专家成员,该信息交换所是一个致力于可持续消费和产品的独特一站式中心,也是联合国环境规划署(UNEP)召集的可持续消费和生产十年方案框架(the 10 Year Framework of Programmes on SCP)的一部分。
Much attention has been devoted to corporate social responsibility (CSR) in recent years. The lecture aims to present a conceptual framework for analyzing the Sustainable Procurement practices in global supply chains. An important aspect of implementing such supply chain CSR initiatives involves achieving supplier compliance. Buyers have recently come under pressure to increase monitoring of suppliers’ behaviors to bolster CSR compliance. It also seeks to demonstrate how a specific consortium of Large European telecommunications companies, implements and manages together CSR practices, integrating social and environmental aspects at its suppliers based in Asia. This cooperation is an opportunity for members to collectively work on issues of common concern to find industry-wide solutions, aiming at jointly auditing suppliers in developing countries on sustainable sourcing. The information collected and conclusions reached offer strategies for advancing CSR beyond the superficial and often ineffectual ‘code of conduct’ stage.